This week, we were delighted to have Zinde, a sport organisation that focuses on a healthy way of living, donate football t-shirts to GirlsGotThis for our players. A total of 200 t-shirts were donated.

Previously, the players in our Girls Community League had experienced issues during training sessions and competition leagues at school. When playing in competitions, having a number at the back of your t-shirt is pretty essential; a lot of our players have been wearing regular sport t-shirts which caused a divide between the children during football competitions. Unity is one of the most important factors for individual and team performance in sport. Having these t-shirts means that the girls not only can feel like a team but also look like a team.

Zinde is based in Istanbul, Turkey and focuses on sport events and on fundraising events where they help those in need.
A massive thank you to Zinde for making this happen!
To see the other amazing work Zinde are doing, follow them on Instagram @zindeofficial